Wednesday 6 February 2013

The quest for Vitamin B12 - Brewer's Yeast vs Nutritional Yeast

I just bought this super-duper Brewer's Yeast that is guaranteed to give me super powers, cure all my ills and make me live forever. Or something like that. 

Vegan senses a-tingling, I couldn't wait to get it in my shopping bag.

I reckon the people at Earth Foods of Southbourne saw me coming ... again.

Sadly, it doesn't taste the same as the cheaper Nutritional Yeast I normally buy, which is a little disappointing. Why am I such a slave to my taste buds?!

If you're vegan, or even vegetarian, chances are you have a tub of Nutritional Yeast in your cupboard. I honestly can't live without the stuff. It was an instant love story (thank you Lindsay for introducing me to it!)

Nutritional yeast gives your food a lovely cheesy-yeasty-ish flavour, and you get your B-vitamins. What's not to love?! 

Vitamin B12 is a big deal for vegans - we have to supplement it in our diets. Watch any vegan get excited when they see B12 on a food label.

Not all Nutritional Yeast contains the magic B12 though, which is why I decided to try the all-singing, all-dancing Brewer's Yeast instead.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm vegan and I don't eat cheese. I don't even want to eat cheese anymore, but the flavor of Nutritional Yeast is a bit special. It has a comfort food quality, and I find myself sprinkling it on pretty much everything with the exception of soya ice-cream.

This Brewer's Yeast is a bit different though. The terrifyingly impressive nutritional content list takes up most of the label. It gets the job done with minerals, amino acids, all your B vitamins and some other stuff I've never heard of, but it tastes of virtually nothing. 

"No aftertaste" the label boasts. Well, I kinda wanted some flavour actually...

I'm darned well going to eat it all, because it set me back £24! That's $37 US for my friends across the pond.

The tub should last me a few months, and by then I'll presumably be some sort of vegan super-hero, able to scale buildings in a single bound, and rescue hundreds of battery chickens in one "fowl" swoop.

I'm all for supplementing my diet, but I'd really rather it tasted of something a bit more exciting than brown sawdust. Regular Nutritional Yeast may not be quite so packed with the good stuff, but it is yummy.

Maybe I'll just stick to eating Nutritional Yeast for the yumminess along with the other food love of my life Marmite, which does contain the magical B12, and save my pennies.


  1. I haven't eaten anything with nutritional yeast in it since I gave up being a veggie, quite a few years ago. However, if this does turn you into a super-hero type, let me know and I'll add some tasteless powder to my meals too.

    In the meantime, I think I am inspired to pick up some regular nutritional yeast and add it back into my diet. I did used to enjoy it!

    And of course, Marmite is an absolute staple...don't leave home without it!

    1. You know,if I ever did go back to eating meat, I would still want nutritional yeast in my diet because I just love it! And Marmite - well, enough said!

  2. Never been one to have yeast in anything but bread. And it tastes like sawdust, I'm not sure I'm tempted to try. Lately, any supplement I've taken in liquid form has tasted awful so I usually stick with pill or capsules. However, there's only so many of those one can swallow.
    Let us know if you turn into a super-heroine. :)
    Thanks. ~Debra

  3. I'm a big fan of the brewer's yeast myself, Helen, and also sprinkle it on eeeeverything, and it's so nutty and yummy and cheesy, like you said!! (have you tried mixing it in the blender with tofu to make a "cheese sauce"? amazingly yum!) so sorry the new tub doesn't taste as yummy! can you mix it with the one you love to get a double-whammy? Flavor + super powers? Thanks for sharing! I actually didn't know it was good for B vitamins! All the more reason to keep on a-sprinklin'! :)

  4. I've never tried nutritional yeast before,but I do try to avoid dairy and am always looking for something to add that cheesy flavor to things. Especially a Parmesan cheese substitute would be good.

  5. Very interesting, yeast as a comfort food. I think I've heard it all now (lol). I'd have to say I made a shift in my diet a few years ago and eat organic 2x a day and last year cut down to meat 4 days instead of 7 days a week. This year I'm cutting down pop consumption to not more than 1/week vs. the usual 2 a week I have with popcorn and pizza.

  6. This is the year when I started to be more cautious of what I eat, it seems to me that I couldn't be a vegan or vegetarian but I admire people for their choices, I did reduce meat consumption and increased consumption of vegetables.
    I never tried yeast supplements before, have heard a lot of Marmite but never bought it, I know that there are people who love and those who hate it, now I'm curious which camp I belong to :-)

  7. Hi Helen! I've never tried brewers yeast... nor have I eaten Marmite! But after reading your post I'm thinking I've been missing something! Thanks for sharing, I'll let you know when my super powers manifest themselves ;)

  8. I've never tried brewer's yeast but indeed I do have a tub of nutritional yeast. I still eat cheese though, I'm too French to stop cheese altogether. And I can't do the Marmite stuff, that's beyond my taste buds :D

  9. Interesting post. I've never tried brewers yeast. Likely because I'm not vegan! But I learn something new all the time.
