Monday 27 August 2012

Feeling Hot Hot Hot! Challenge 1 - Bikram Yoga

As part of my healthy & natural living theme, I was convinced to try Bikram Yoga by a couple of friends who recently started going themselves.

Bikram Yoga is a kind of Hot Yoga developed by Bikram Choudhury in the 70s, which seems to be spreading fast. It's made up of 26 postures or Asanas done in a room at 40°C (104°F).

"It's really great," enthused Michelle, "you'll love it, it's hard but you'll feel amazing afterwards!"

Bikram Yoga is reputedly excellent for detoxifying the body, strengthening muscle tone & improving flexibility and general health, with the added bonus that the heat helps minimise the risk of injury and allows you to go deeper into the postures.  

As with all Yoga practise it also has a spiritual side. More than just a set of stretching exercises, Yoga is a spiritual practise which brings spiritual insight, inner peace and tranquility to the practitioner or Yogi.

Having practised Hatha Yoga for the past year and a half, I was interested, but admittedly a bit scared at the prospect of doing Yoga in a 40 degree room. At the same time, as someone who tends to suffer from cramp in my toes at the slightest hint of cold, the idea of a nice warm room was also rather appealing.
Getting cramp in your feet during Yoga is very frustrating, not to mention painful, and you have to sit out until it passes.

I have to admit that I was more than a little concerned at how hot the room would be, whether I'd be able to breathe and whether I'd cope.
I'm not a fan of saunas or steam rooms, so the idea of a hot room was a little unnerving. The first and last time I went in a sauna, I had a panic attack, started hyperventilating and raced out the door back to the pool within about 30 seconds of the door being closed.

I decided it would be prudent to research Bikram Yoga thoroughly on the Internet to reassure and prepare myself for my first class.
Reassuring it was not - the more testimonials I read, the more nervous I got. Apparently I was going to feel faint, dizzy, sick and probably throw up at some point. I should also drink a couple of litres of water before and afterwards to make sure I didn't dehydrate.

What was I letting myself in for?

I arrived at the Bikram Yoga Bournemouth, mat, towel and water in hand, filled out my forms and sat waiting for the teacher to arrive.  I couldn't help noticing the other students were scantily clad to say in the least - tiny shorts and cropped tops appeared to be the order of the day, and I began to feel a little overdressed in my regular Yoga leggings and top.

While waiting for the beginning of class, I popped into the room and laid down my mat and towel to secure my place - right at the back with the beginners.  Flanked by second-timers Michelle & Sam, I was starting to feel a little better.  The room wasn't as hot as I was expecting, which was a relief. It reminded me of the sensation of stepping off the plan in the Dominican Republic, the heat wraps itself around you and you can't escape. It's strangely soothing.

The class finally started, and the newcomers were warmly welcomed by the teacher and owner of Bikram Yoga Bournemouth, Amber Fidler.

She explained to us that as it was our first time, the challenge was simply to stay in the room for the whole 90 minutes, and that we shouldn't worry whether we could do the postures or not.

I started OK, the first section went pretty well. During the harder middle section, I started to feel sick,  and found myself fighting the unexpected urge to run screaming out of the room.
I paused, sat down and sipped some water. Once I felt ready again I stood up and joined in again.
I lost count of the number of times I had to sit down and wait for feelings of faintness and nausea to subside, but I quickly learned that they were only temporary, and would pass each time I sat, breathed and sipped some more water.

The class around me were pouring with sweat - literally. I've never seen anything like it!
It became clear very quickly why it's compulsory to have a large towel covering your Yoga mat during class.
I was expecting to hate the sweaty part, but it was OK. You sweat so much that it just runs off, and the high tech fabric of my sports gear was doing an excellent job of wicking the moisture away from my skin. I concluded that the long leggings were a good idea after all.
It's an unusual sensation being soaked with sweat all over, but it's not unpleasant.

I was able to join in again properly for the final section of floor work, which I actually enjoyed.

I'm not sure if it was the relief at the class was finally over, and that I'd made it through the class alive, or simply some deep emotions coming up, stimulated by the Yoga, but at the end as we lay in Savasana, the dead body pose looking up at the ceiling, I felt a rush of emotion and tears starting to pour down the sides of my face. I've experienced this kind of emotional release during Yoga before, so I just let the tears flow, landing on my soggy, sweat-soaked  towel.

It was all over - the class slowly made their way out of the room, and most sat looking dazed and bedraggled in the corridor outside, resting and rehydrating with water and coconut water sold at the reception desk. There was a real feeling of achievement and camaraderie, and my fellow yogis appeared happy although clearly exhausted.

Rehydration is absolutely vital after Bikram Yoga. Staying on the natural theme, I bought myself a carton of coconut water which is a natural isotonic  - drinking chemical-laden Lucosade just wouldn't have felt right under the circumstances!

It was a very strange feeling coming out of the hot room back to normality. Physically, I felt exhausted and weak, but mentally I felt excited, pumped and a little crazy!

After resting and rehydrating, I drove home and parked up outside my house. I sat in my car and burst out laughing. It all felt so  surreal!

Today, day one after my first ever Bikram Yoga class, I'm really feeling the benefits. The more I move, the more muscles I find that have worked out and are aching as a result.  At the end of class Amber told us we'd worked every muscle group - she wasn't exaggerating!

Apparently, to achieve the best results, it's best to go back to Bikram Yoga within 48 hours so I've agreed to go back tomorrow for my second go.

It's very hard to describe how Bikram Yoga makes you feel, but I think I'm starting to understand why people get so hooked. It was difficult, challenging and awful, feeling sick and faint wasn't pleasant, but it was an amazing experience at the same time, my body had a great workout and I felt incredible afterwards, really positive and uplifted.

All I can say is try it - it's definitely worth a go!

If you'd like more information about the class I attended, please visit

Saturday 25 August 2012

How hard can it be? My Story so far...

I've always been fascinated by herbal remedies, and natural alternatives to medicines, cosmetics, cleaners and other chemical products, but for most of my life, I rarely or never found any that worked very well.

Is it just me, I asked myself? Have I been looking in the wrong places, or are there just not any good, viable alternatives to chemical cleaners, skin and beauty products?

I loved the idea of "going natural", but the chemical products just seemed to win every time.

I remember giving up after my first attempt of  making a "simple moisturiser" with lemon juice, honey and oil. I found the instructions in a book I'd bought on natural home remedies. I found myself with a pot of disappointing, sticky, un-useable mess, that went straight in the bin after the first try. I washed it off, and decided that natural home-made products just weren't any good. If they were, surely we'd all be using them?

Being raised as an eco-conscious woman in a modern era, trying to avoid pollution, waste, reducing my carbon footprint etc, I've carried a lot of guilt during my life about my own conflicting personal views on the subject.

I recently decided to make it my mission to answer that question, and look at how natural diet,  alternative and traditional remedies, natural and plant based skin care and cleaning products could enhance, rather than inhibit, our sophisticated modern lifestyle.

My life has seen more than it's fair share of changes already this year, so as change seems to be the theme for 2012, I thought, why not?

In January I felt it was the right time for me to stop eating meat, and switched my diet to vegetarian. Shortly afterwards,  upon researching vegetarian and vegan website, I stumbled upon some information that indicated that I have likely had an allergy to dairy products my entire life.

This came as a huge shock, as I've always loved milk, cream and cheeses, and an adjustment to my diet to exclude them entirely seemed rather daunting. I was horrified at the thought of eating soya instead - the word soya just sounds nasty doesn't it?

It did however, explain the various "childhood" ailments that  have plagued my entire life & that I never seemed to grow out of, despite doctors saying I would.

I've suffered with two notable conditions for as long as I can remember. The  well known, but often misunderstood skin condition Eczema, and the lesser known problem of Otitis Media with Effusion, more commonly called Glue Ear.
These two rather unpleasant conditions have made my life awkward and at times extremely uncomfortable.

I'll go into more detail about these ailments and the link to consuming dairy products, and the health benefits I have enjoyed as a result of eating soya in coming articles, but for now, suffice to say, I'm in much better shape.

Being a person of a spiritual persuasion, I will also be exploring complimentary therapies, and alternative lifestyles to look at their merits and how easy it would be to implement them into what most of us think of as "real" life!

So please join me on this journey of discovery of how to live in a more natural way, in a technological age. I'll be sharing my own personal experience, experimenting, making and testing remedies and products on myself, in the interests of furthering my own knowledge of what works and what doesn't, and hopefully sharing some useful insights and tips that you can try.

I am your guinea pig, so please feel free to contact me with ideas you'd like me to try, or challenges for me to solve.

Here goes - wish me luck!